Daily Archives: August 8, 2013

**The Hollywood Sign


After all, despite the high profile of the film biz, real estate has always been Hollywood’s primary economic driver.

Although the Sign’s appearance and purpose have evolved over the years, its basic aspirational message remains the same: This is a place where magic is possible, where dreams can come true.

Back then, the dream was a beautiful home and lifestyle. Today, the Sign’s promise is more subtle – and can only be described as the parade of images, desires and ideas conjured by the word “Hollywood.”

Come explore the fascinating past and present of this icon, town, industry, and idea in our detailed History of the Sign: http://www.hollywoodsign.org/the-history-of-the-sign/

*The Rise of Henry Ford

henry Ford 2

Engineer, automaker and industrialist Henry Ford introduced the first affordable passenger automobile, the Model T, and pioneered assembly-line production. Watch a video about The Rise of Henry Ford:

The Rise of Henry Ford



*Henry Ford and the Model T

Model T

Find out how Henry Ford’s Model T revolutionized transportation in America by watching the video about Henry Ford and the Model T here: http://www.history.com/topics/henry-ford/videos#henry-ford-and-the-model-t

*Ford and Edison’s Excellent Camping Adventures


Between 1914 and 1924, Henry Ford toured the eastern United States in his company’s automobiles on a series of well-publicized camping trips with close friend Thomas Edison, other titans of industry and even an American president. On the 150th anniversary of Ford’s July 30, 1863, birth, look back at the adventures of the self-proclaimed “Vagabonds.”

Read about Henry Ford: http://www.history.com/news/ford-and-edisons-excellent-camping-adventures