Daily Archives: November 20, 2013

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs

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KEY Irregular Verbs ex A-D

Irregular Verbs for Nov 28

Irregular verbs for Dec 12

Urban Legends

Urban legends are stories that a friend of a friend of the storyteller claims to have experienced or acquired from some more or less reliable source. The background may be true, but details have often been changed considerably.

Initially the story is often told by a person whose friend knew a girl whose brother had the following happen to him…The origin may be a newspaper article, a radio or TV program, or even something that has really happened to the storyteller or someone he or she knows.

Urban legends say a lot about us and the lives we lead. Urban legends feed off our fear of diseases, accidents, animals and also our fear of the unknown, our fascination of the supernatural and our prejudices. The flow of urban legends never seems to end. And why should it? Word of mouth takes care of that. The common denominator is that they’re constantly reshaped into new versions around the world, whether they’re found in the United States, Australia, Germany, Sweden, or elsewhere. Nevertheless, some stories are more or less specific for one country or culture.

Word list

  1. Urban legends                  vandringssägner
  2. acquired                             införskaffat, här: fått från
  3. reliable source                   trovärdig källa
  4. considerably                      avsevärt
  5. initially                               Inledningsvis
  6. following                            följande
  7. feed off                               lever av/på, här: skapas av
  8. diseases                              sjukdomar
  9. fascination                          fascination
  10. supernatural                       övernaturligt
  11. prejudices                           fördomar
  12. word of mouth                   här ung.: Den muntliga    spridningen
  13. common denominator     den gemensamma nämnaren
  14. constantly                           ständigt
  15. reshaped                             omformade, omskapade
  16. nevertheless                       Icke desto mindre, ändå, likväl

The Rabbit

The Mexican Pet

The Mysterious Caller

The Spider

Bill Gates’ 11 Rules of Life

Urban Legends II